Race Pace

Miles : Hours Minutes Seconds Pace :

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Norfolk Pub 10 Mile


Lani, Lee and Adam ran it. It's a lollypop course. The "stem" was muddy today. It was unusually warm although there were certain sections where the air was comfortably cold. Tray was missed.

Adam and Lee traded places throughout the race. He posted a funny remark on Facebook:

"Great race. Here is a picture of you passing me somewhere at mile 5 and then you were gone."

Lee and Catherine Lyons traded PEZ "trophies" for the 2nd time. Here's Santa and Moose.

Larry Regan crushed the course w/ a 1:16:06.

Lani did well, looked well and now has her trophy that Lee's been holding for her from the Wethersfield 10K. Oh, almost forgot. She gave Linda her beer tag when we walked down to the pub. Thanks Lani! It was cashed in.

Many friends were there. Kate Stoker, Emmy Stocker, Bill Varhue, Paul Rabenold, Cheryl Cunningham, Frank Colella, John Minervino, Ben Mattheis, Brian Fidler, Peter and Tim Hawley, Neil Mandel and Kathleen Scotti.

Friday, December 20, 2013

This weekend

Many of us are running the Norfolk 10 miler on Saturday (I know of Adam, Tray and myself). I know several other good friends that'll be there. Lindsey's talked about Reservoir 3 but it may be unrunnable due to the snow storm. Brickyard may not be runnable too. Maybe Barbara can let us know about that. So, if you're not running Norfolk and you are looking for company, try to hook up with your friends via this blog, email, facebook or phone. Have a great weekend!

I think we need a picture here ... Let's see, Mutts is *always* good.


Monday, December 16, 2013

Paraphrasing President Theodore Roosevelt

Competitor Photos Roxbury Marathon 2013. Paraphrasing President Theodore
Roosevelt at the Sorbonne, in Paris, on 23 April 1910. He was speaking
to a group of cold weather marathoners (not exactly) and said ...

"It is not the critic who counts; not the person who points out how the
strong runner stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them
better. The credit belongs to the runner who is actually in the race,
whose face is marred by snow and wind and cold; who strives valiantly;
who errs, who comes up short sometimes, because there is no effort
without error and defeat; but who does actually strive to do the deeds;
who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends
himself/herself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the
triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he/she stumbles,
at least does so while daring greatly, so that his/her place shall never
be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

(some phrasing changed slightly)


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Roxbury full!

Here are some pix Linda took yesterday. In reverse chronological order.

Lee at top of hill at the finish. 4:56. Tired. Icicle sideburned. Last of 5 loops. Happy.

Mike. Early start. 5:15. Always the optimist.

Tony Thatcher. Trinity student we met last year. Not sure exactly what his time was but it was something like 4:40. Just getting over being sick. We traded places throughout the race. His Mom Pat and Linda walked the loop and were spotted *everywhere*! Go Tony! Well done.

New Brickyarder Lindsey Gendall and Lee climbing the hill. Lindsey jumped in at the beginning of the 5 loops after we all ran the 8.5 mile out and back and ran the loops. She wanted hill training for her March marathon (Napa Valley). She got it. Wonderful company.

 Bill Odendahl. Just a training run for an upcoming 100. :)

Tracy. 4:04. Better than last year. Wanted sub-4. Always aims high. The fastest Brickyarder by far.

Mike, mid course

Joe Laskey, Tray, Bill, Lee, Kate. Hard to find closer friends

Too good to not post. :)

Tony and Lee. RD Scott Benjamin in the background. Putting on this race is a labor of love. Hot soup, "medals," hot chocolate, fire in the fireplace, vehicles on the course asking you if you're doing OK, gatorade (frozen and thawed, your choice), course monitors telling you which way to go, tough decision makers (postpone or not), massage. A fellow (don't know his name but remember him from the Roxbury to Newtown run a week after last year's trajedy) spoke briefly at the start and gave us a moment of silence for the 26 who died. One mile for each victim.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Fwd: Notiice!!!!

Click the link below.

Countdown Till Roxbury Full!
  (Roxbury Full is December 14, 2013 at 8:30 AM!)
Everyone is hereby notified that the anti-rain, no-ice, no-cold-spell dance officially begins 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Tinsel Fun Run

I think we broke a record today. Count 'em! 

Rose (placed 2nd)

Brent, Rose, Lee, Libra

Lee, chased by Mike at the finish. We were both 16 and medium change.

 Mike (aka Santa) finishing

Brent (come back kid)

Janit Romayko and dog (best costume winner)

Tracy (4th woman, 1st in division, 14 and medium change)

Adam scorched this one with a 14:02

Lani placed as well but best we could do (she had to leave early) is show you Linda and Rose holding all our trophies.

Friday, December 6, 2013

The weekend

Looks like a quiet Saturday at Brickyard. Tray, Mike, Adam, Brent (YAY!!!!), Mama Rose (YAY!!!!) and Lee will be doing Tinsel Fun Run 2 miler in Berlin. Lindsey's icing, swimming and not running to take care of a sore hip flexor and will be back next week. Not sure about the other "L's." Have a great weekend everybody. For Tray, Lee, Mike ... your assignment is to write the word TAPER on the blackboard 100 times. Roxbury full. 8 days.
