This is Mike's "backyard." Sessions Woods. He, Robyn, and I ran it at 8:30 this morning. The weather was quite cool and I (Lee) was underdressed, aka, frozen. A beautiful course, challenging climbs, roots and rocks everywhere. I was just thinking how cool it was, having covered about 5 miles with no fall. Bam. Upright root caught me and I went down. Not a bad fall at all. Mostly pissed I fell. I think I was next to last. My watch read 5.58 miles but everybody else read about right (6.2) so maybe I blew a turn. I'd like to do it again next year.
Thank you Mike for the pictures.
Mike, Robyn, and Lee
My friend Marty comin' in. She "needed" Burlington (and lives in Fairfield).
Robyn comin' in
Lee comin' in. That's Tom S., Shar Bear, and Marty in foreground (169 friends)