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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lani Crushes Red Dress!



I learned of this at our intervals on Monday! Way to go Lani! 3rd out of 85. Wow!

36 2389 Lani Ralston 23:47 7:40 23:49 42 36/734 F 3/85 F4044 GRANBY CT


1 comment:

  1. Lani sent this directly to me and I'm putting it as a comment on the post. What a great "letter" she wrote! Thanks so much Lani.

    Yes, at least three of us are running Petit, I'll be helping out at Hogsback and we'd love it if you could make it to a Monday intervals (Rocky Hill HS, 6 PM) after your Iron Man. You *will* finish and you *will* finish *well*!

    Here's her messaage:

    Hi Lee!

    Thanks for the mention on the blog. I am not sure if you had changed the settings or not so am sending the reply directly to you. And by the way, thanks for your blog updates, it's nice to see what everyone is doing.

    I hope this email finds you doing well. Are you racing the Petit 5k this weekend? If so, wishing lots of speed and a great race.

    I have most Mondays off work now, so I may join you for a track session after Lake Placid. What time do they start and where?

    Kelly asked me to come to the next HTC meeting, I think it's August 6 in Bloomfield. I think she wants to put me to work on something! Will let you know what happens.

    Are you doing Hogsback this year? I probably will but have not signed up yet.

    Well ... race comments on Red Dress:

    Nice event that seems to get bigger every year! The volunteers were great, and the water sprinkler tent they constructed in the park was much appreciated as the temperture was in the 90's. Not my speediest race ever, but so thankful that my left leg is about 97% now and I can run with my normal stride.

    Hope to run with the Brickyarders soon. At the moment I'm focusing on some unfinished business in Lake Placid. I am telling myself that the only real failure is to give up trying, and that's why I will be back again to improve on last year's DNF!
