Race Pace

Miles : Hours Minutes Seconds Pace :

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Welcome Abby!

(The image has nothing to do with the title. See the PS at the bottom.)

Six of us rolled into Brickyard this morning in the following order: Lee, Mike, Abby, Judi, Tray and Brent. As Brent *totally* screwed up on the heavily publicized start time, Lee had the brilliant idea we run North and then loop back so we could meet him back at the parking lot but when we got back to the lot all we found was his car. No Brent. So we spent the better part of the day wondering when we might see him.

But before I waste too much time on this mixup, Mike, Abby, Judi, Tray and I ran together. Turns out Abby lives in the house Judi and Paul built some twenty years ago, in Burlington. Amazing! While Rose and Linda knocked off about 5 miles in Wethersfield (definitely the longest walk Linda's done in a looooong time), we talked about the non-storm, how to find people who like to run trails, the upcoming Colchester 1/2 etc. Mike is still babying a sore knee which appears to be getting better. Abby, Judi and he turned around after about 3 and Tray and Lee continued on.

We finally found Brent about 8 miles out. Brentless running did have its plusses (how much of a slavedriver he is as a boss could freely be discussed, how much of a Luddite the guy is (no email in the office) etc.) However, gotta give the guy credit; he made us look kinda bad at one point, purposely splitting off to the right of the trail just so he could do hurdles over the fence.

He also met Tray's challenge; he patiently waited for us to do a full 18 (he ran a mere 17) and then did 16 push-ups after Tray did 21 (and Lee a pathetic 13). I think Brent's push-ups were closer to the ground at their low point than hers. Then they shifted into crunch mode. Brent's crunches were not quite up to her standards so she had to demonstrate how they were done. He then executed quite a few really good ones.

So ... another fine day at Brickyard. We averaged a tad over 10 minute pace for 18 miles. The last mile was just sub-9.


PS The image at the top is an exercise for the reader. Think of some famous saying and then apply it in some appropriate way to one of us. If you're not sure ... feel free to comment.


  1. Lee, I'm the one who emailed you the image and I don't even know if I know what you mean!

    Also, let's cut out the excuses - Brent was lower to the ground for his push-ups? I won both challenges fair and square. No sense in trying to spin it any other way.

  2. Possibly digging myself even deeper into this, I guess *I'd* better eat crow cuz *I* still am not sure know what the bird was supposed to mean.
