Late Breaking! Pix from Rose and a correction: Judi got placed in the wrong age group and actually placed 1st in her age group. So Judi's results SHOULD HAVE READ
725 779 Judith Argazzi 28:35 9:12 30:59 327/993 F 1/5 F6569 64 FARMINGTON CT
Here are the two pix Rose sent us ...
Rose and Judi ran Mitten, Lee, Mandy, Paul, Flo, Peter, Steve, Carolyn, Ray ran Santa's. As many Brickyarders don't know probably half the people above, I'll fill in the details below. They had me down as a Female and in this division I placed 1st. (This happened last year as well, what's with the computer people?!). Once I got my sex change
(it's easy!)
Flo Dickie and Barrie Robbins placed 2nd and 1st in the F60-69 division.
I now placed 6th.
Ray Prest got 1st in the 70s division.
Ray Prest, Steve Tolman and I looked like so after the race (Linda took the pictures).
390 714 Ray Prest 29:23 8:24 28:53 ELLINGTON CT 298/745 M 1/10 M70+ 72
391 885 Stephen Tolman 29:24 8:24 29:14 VERNON CT 299/745 M 19/48 M6069 65
148 87 Lee Bradley 25:38 7:20 25:38 NEWINGTON CT 136/745 M 6/48 M6069 69
Mandy started @ the back of the pack (I started at the front). She came in just behind me.
and placed 3rd. Go Mandy!
Peter placed 3rd
Rose may provide photos of Blue Back Mitten run. Paul Argazzi was handling both little Annie Rose
and live Mitten progress reports. Rose and Judi placed 3rd and 1st. Go Rose. Go Judi!
643 1073 Rose Famiglietti 27:46 8:56 30:10 270/993 F 3/21 F6064 63 WETHERSFIELD CT
We apologize that we didn't get pix of Carolyn Nielson, Charlie Whynacht (1st in the 60s!), Barrie Robbins (Charlie's daughter) and Flo Dickie. Something about taking pictures indoors and our camera setting.
378 230 Florence Dickie 29:18 8:23 29:15 NEWINGTON CT 86/790 F 2/17 F6069 62
969 1160 Carolyn Nielson 37:05 10:36 35:40 MANCHESTER CT 399/790 F 101/191 F4049 48
291 1155 Barrie Robbins-Piank 28:04 8:02 27:59 MIDDLETOWN CT 53/790 F 1/17 F6069 65
74 925 Charles Whynacht 23:33 6:44 23:32 GLASTONBURY CT 70/745 M 1/48 M6069 62